Couples Counseling

Are you feeling misunderstood, disconnected and lonely in your relationship?

Do you find yourself having the same fight over and over with no resolution?  

Perhaps, you are wondering if your relationship is worth fighting for?

 Do I Need Marriage Counseling/Couples Counseling?

Every couple experiences hard times at some point in their relationship.  However, when most of these interactions are marked by constant arguments, it causes a strain in the relationship which can leave both partners with feelings of anger and or resentment.  

What To Expect In Couples counseling?

The goal of couples therapy is to help you and your partner uncover the core issues that are keeping you in this constant negative cycle of interaction and to break the cycle. My goal is to help both you and your partner to stop having the same arguments and be able to communicate where both of you are feeling heard and understood by identifying the triggers that might be causing discontentment in your relationship. In addition, each partner will also be encouraged to develop an understanding of his/her contribution to the difficulties taking place in the relationship.  

If you are committed the the process of improving your relationship, marriage counseling will allow you and your partner to experience a relationship where two people who are imperfect get to grow and thrive by identifying and understanding each others's emotional baggage. Your commitment through this journey will help you both experience each other with less unhealthy interactions.  

What will sessions look like?

We understand that no two individuals are the same. Our team tailor our sessions to address challenges unique to your relationship. If you are looking to reconnect or restore your relationship, we provide a nurturing and a non judgmental environment for you and your partner to explore areas of contention in your relationship to achieve a deeper sense of intimacy.  

We utilize evidenced-based tools in session such as emotionally focused couples therapy (EFT).